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Library Instructional Class - Research Databases

Library Instructional Class - Research Databases In-Person

Would you like to have a better understanding of how to perform a successful search in a research database? Would you also like to know which database to use for your research needs or how to use the features that make them excellent tools for finding scholarly literature? If so, join us for this class! It will provide an overview of basic searching techniques and valuable database features along with a demonstration of how to search the four major research databases applicable to the veterinary sciences (Pubmed; Web of Science; VetMed Resource; CabDirect). This class is open to all faculty, staff, and students. 

Bring a laptop if you would like to follow along with the searches. 

Presenter: Corrie Hess

Location: SVM Library Conference Room #3 (or via Zoom)

Zoom Link: lsu.zoom.us/j/9896228511?pwd=VHpFbE5YcXFaSVNIdHB2L0JMUmlWdz09

Related LibGuide: Veterinary - Research Databases by Corrie Hess

Tuesday, June 27, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
LSU Libraries:
Veterinary Medicine Library
  Supplemental Instruction (SI)  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Brian Collins